We are pleased to offer our readers the XXN Abbreviation List 2023 PDF. Abbreviations, shorthand, and slang terms can differ depending on the category. Abbreviations use initials to represent complete words, and they play a crucial role in both written and oral communication. Abbreviations save time and effort in communication, enabling data to be recorded and transferred quickly.
They are commonly used for everyday words or legal phrases and are often found in legal and financial documents to cite other publications using standard abbreviations for each source title. Some departments are more commonly referred to by their abbreviation rather than their full name.

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XXN Abbreviation List 2023 PDF Download Here
XXN Abbreviation List
Sl.No. | Abbreviations | Full Form |
1. | 2G | Second Generation |
2. | 3G | Third Generation |
3. | 4G | Fourth Generation |
4. | ARPU | Average Revenue Per User |
5. | AWS | Advanced Wireless Service |
6. | BLS | Bureau of Labor Statistics |
7. | BRS | Broadband Radio Service |
8. | CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
9. | CAPEX | Capital Expenditures |
10. | CDC | Centers for Disease Control |
11. | CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
12. | CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
13. | CMA | Cellular Market Area |
14. | CMRS | Commercial Mobile Radio Services |
15. | CPI | Consumer Price Index |
16. | DA | Delegated Authority |
17. | DAS | Distributed Antenna System |
18. | DOJ | Department of Justice |
19. | DSL | Digital Subscriber Line |
20. | EA | Economic Area |
21. | EBIT | Earnings before Interest and Taxes |
22. | EBITDA | Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Debt, and Amortization |
23. | EBS | Educational Broadband Service |
24. | EDGE | Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution |
25. | EHA | Exclusive Handset Agreement |
26. | ETF | Early Termination Fee |
27. | EV-DO | Evolution Data Optimized |
28. | FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
29. | FDD | Frequency Division Duplex |
30. | FNPRM | Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking |
31. | FSS | Frequency Spread Spectrum |
32. | FTC | Federal Trade Commission |
33. | GAO | Government Accountability Office |
34. | GB | Gigabyte |
35. | GHz | Gigahertz |
36. | GPRS | General Packet Radio Service |
37. | GSM | Global System for Mobile Communication |
38. | HHI | Herfindahl-Hirschman Index |
39. | HSPA | High Speed Packet Access |
40. | HTML | HyperText Markup Language |
41. | HTTP | Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
42 | IB | International Bureau |
43. | iDEN | Integrated Digital Enhanced Network |
44. | ILEC | Independent Local Exchange Carrier |
45. | ITIF | Information Technology & Innovation Foundation |
46. | ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
47. | kbps | Kilobits per Second |
48. | LEC | Local Exchange Carrier |
49. | LLC | Limited Liability Corporation |
50. | LNP | Local Number Portability |
51. | LTE | Long Term Evolution |
52. | M2M | Machine-to-Machine |
53. | MB | Megabyte |
54. | Mbps | Megabits per Second |
55. | MHz | Megahertz |
56. | MIMO | Multiple Input Multiple Output |
57. | MMS | Multimedia Messaging Service |
58. | MOUs | Minutes of use (average minutes of use per subscriber per month) |
59. | MSA | Metropolitan Statistical Area |
60. | MSS | Mobile Satellite Service |
61. | MTA | Major Trading Area |
62. | MVNO | Mobile Virtual Network Operator |
63. | NCHS | National Center for Health Statistics |
64. | NFC | Near-Field Communication |
65. | NHIS | National Health Interview Survey |
66. | NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
67. | NOI | Notice of Inquiry |
68. | NPA-NXX | the first six digits of a ten-digit telephone number |
69. | NPAC | Number Portability Administration Center |
70. | NPRM | Notice of Proposed Rulemaking |
71. | NRUF | Numbering Report / Utilization Forecast |
72. | NTCA | National Telecommunications Cooperative Association |
73. | NTIA | National Telecommunications and Information Administration |
74. | OBI | Omnibus Broadband Initiative |
75. | OET | Office of Engineering & Technology |
76. | OS | Operating System |
77. | PC | Personal Computer |
78. | PCS | Personal Communications System |
79. | PN | Public Notice |
80. | PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network |
81. | PUC | Public Utility Commission |
82. | R&D | Research and Development |
83. | R&O | Report and Order |
84. | RF | Radio Frequency |
85. | RPM | Revenue per Minute |
86. | RSA | Rural Service Area |
87. | SEC | Security and Exchange Commission |
88. | SIM | Subscriber Identity Module |
89. | SMR | Specialized Mobile Radio |
90. | SMS | Short Message Service |
91. | TB | Terabyte |
92. | TDD | Time Division Duplex |
93. | TDM | Time Division Multiplexing |
94. | TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access |
95. | ULS | Universal Licensing System |
96. | UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System |
97. | US | United States |
98. | USB | Universal Serial Bus |
99. | USF | Universal Service Fund |
100. | VoIP | Voice over Internet Protocol |
101. | WCDMA | Wideband Code Division Multiple Access |
102. | WCS | Wireless Communications Service |
103. | WiMAX | Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access |
104. | WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network |
105. | WTB | Wireless Telecommunications Bureau |